There are 3
types of learning styles these are;
learners use visual references a lot, the like to see tutorials, diagrams,
slides, charts and other visual aids. They take great notes and often color
code them. They benefit by drawing outlines of their notes and create pictures
of processes to help them study.
learners learn best by touching and
moving. It has two sub channels: Kinesthetic (movement) and tactile (touch).
They lose concentration if there isn’t much movement going on. When they have
to listen to lecturers they often take notes just to move their hands. When
they read they skim the book first and then focus on the details.
learners often talk to themselves and move there lips around and read out loud.
Auditory learners may have difficulty with reading and writing tasks. They do
better when they talk to colleagues or a tape recorder/dicterphone.
personal learning style is Visual, I found this out by taking a test back in
means when I learn I like to watch someone else do it first, and then do it
myself. I have heard it being explained as monkey see monkey do, which it more
or less it.
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