Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Effective Recording of research data

Effective Recording of Research Data
To process information correctly and to recollect the data previously seen, you must find a way to remember it. 

Effective recording of research data or note taking is very important when trying to remember stuff. However to correctly remember the facts or data you have seen, you must record the information effectively.

There are often two types of people in a class these being passive learning or active learning.
A passive learner is the most inactive, this will show through persons character, often they become unmotivated and unchanged by what they have learnt. Often they will have no end goal
An active learner is the opposite to this
A active learner understands why there are reasons to study and will often work really hard to achieve the best they can and get the most from the course.

These styles of learning are influenced by note taking, note taking focuses attention and expands upon the memory.

It is important as a multimedia designer to take notes, as often we are required to recall previous information that we have learnt to ensure we get the best out of ourselves and our work.
Recalling information gets easier when you take notes, this is because you can and should go back and revise these notes.

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