Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Time Management

Okay, I've not managed to get much research done for this task, since my Internet has been cut off temporarily. I didn't manage to get anything done in-between lessons since I was working on other things. Ironically if I had managed my time better, I would have got some research done.

Anyway here is what I have managed to come up with.

Okay this is my first slide, introducing what the powerpoint is about.
Okay, this is what my presentation will consist off. I will the explain the way I structure my time, I will also explain how to avoid wasting too much time. I will then explain what to do to pass your year and achieve the best grade available to you
Okay I’m not the best at structuring my time however, I found that if you create a timetable for your study days you are able to concentrate more and procrastinate less. I have also found taking regular breaks from studying helps a lot, studies have shown that after 20 minutes of working you stop concentrating.

I’ve also found that working in-between breaks helps a lot, I have found that I work better in uni there is a lot less distractions around me, which allows me to update my blog, and do any other additional work that is needed.

Studying from home on a study day is what they are for, I know it is hard to concentrate at home – but if you set even a hour a day away for study that will allow you to keep your brain refreshed.

Create a Gnatt chart, this chart will allow you structure your time well and efficiently, a Gnatt chart will allow you to structure weeks.
Okay, last year I failed my year which has been the biggest waste of money ever.

Although I did learn a few things from this first thing being is;

Set aside time to do your assignments, often enough assignments just get pushed to the back of your mind until the day before they are due, however you may be able to fluke them you won’t get the best grade available to you.

Set personal targets for yourself, say if you aren't very good at a certain module set yourself a mini project, so that you can work at being better at the module you struggle at.

These are my slides and notes for my slides. Sorry they arent too detailed I tried my best with them, however due to not have any internet access at home at this current point in time.

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